Annual Reports


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Now showing 1 - 20 of 86
  • ItemOpen Access
    Federal government views on the report of the tribunal of inquiry on the University of Ife students accident
    (Lagos: Federal government press, 1982) FEDERAL Government of Nigeria
    As a result of the incident which led to the death of some students of the University of Ife on 7th June, 1981, the President of the federal Republic of Nigeria and commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of the Federation, Alhaji Shehu Usman Shagari, constituted and appointed on the 16th June, 1981, the University of Ife student’s Incident Tribunal of Inquiry, with the the Honorable Mr. Justice Salihu Moddibo Alfa Belgore, as chairman and Mr. James Taggert and Mr. S.J. Okudu as memebers of the tribunal to ascertain the circumstances leading to the embarkation on a procession from the University campus to Ile ife town by the said students; to ascertain the kind of relationship and interaction, if any that existed between the said student and members of the Nigeria Police and about the day on which the incident took place; to determine the circumstances leading to the death of some of he students during the course of the said procession and determine whether any member of the Nigeria Police Force or of the student body or any other person, by conduct or negligence in any way caused or contributed to the death of the students or any of them and make recommendation as to measures to be taken against any such person or persons.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Government view on the report of the fact finding panel into the activities of civil aviation department of the federal ministry of aviation
    (Lagos: Federal government press., 1981) FEDERAL Government of Nigeria
    Department of civil aviation; Nigerian Airport Authority; Nigerian Civil Aviation Training Centre, Zaria; Nigerian Airway Limited; International General Aviation; Nigerian Air Force; Air Space Management; Aviation Regulatory Law and Instruction; Search Rescue Unit and Accident Investigation; staff matter.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Federal Military Government views on the report of the Judicial commission of inquiry into shortage of petroleum products
    (Lagos: Printing Division, Federal ministry of information., 1976) FEDERAL Government of Nigeria
    Provision of adequate internal refining capacity for our local crude oil; Port Harcourt refinery expansion and improvement; pipelines and storage depots; urgent provision of suitable jetty facilities at Okrika; the atlas cove project and dredging the Apapa jetties and the approaches to the Apapa harbor; the increase by the oil marketers of their level of importation and demurrage charges; reatial outlet storages; the M.R.X. lightening scheme and utilization of Cotonou for petroleum importation to Nigeria; road building programme.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Federal Military Government’s views on the report of the Boundary Adjustment Commission
    (Lagos: Printing Division, Federal ministry of information, 1976) FEDERAL Government of Nigeria
    Boundary adjustment problems identified by Irikefe Panel: Egbema village in Rivers and Imo state; the Ndoki areas in Rivers, Cross River and Imo states; Awara/Asa and Umuakpu clan in Oguta division; Amala, Alulu, Oburu, Mbano and Obokwe community council areas in Owerri division of Imo state; Ette in Igbo-Eze division in Anambra state; Olumbansa and nzam in Anambra division in Anambra state; The villages of Ikot Ibana, Ikot Utin, Ikot Uko, Ikot Ebok, Ikot Ekppeyong, Ikot Umo Essien, Ikot ineme and Okot in Ikot Ekpene division of Cross river state; the Obotme-Arochukwu boundaries in the Imo and Cross river states; Itu Mbonuso clan in the Cross river state; The Blasé administrative district in the Akampa division of Cross river state; The Erei clan in the Cross river and Imo state; The Itigidi-Agbo clan in the Cross river state; The Osopong clan in Obubra division in Cross river state; Area of Adoni and Nkoro in Opobo division of Cross river state; General observations and recommendations; Oil politics; Security; Request for the merger of Imota area in Ogun state with Lagos state; Request to adjust Lagos state boundary north of Ikorodu to include the whole Ikorodu; Request for the merger of Mokore_Orile Oko in Oyo state with Ogun state; Request for the merger of Bakatari in Oyo state with Ogun state; Request for adjustment along Oyo-Ondo inter-state boundary; Request for the merger of Ora-Igbomina in Oyo state with Ondo state; Request for the merger of Arogbo Ijaws in Ondo state with Bendel state; Inter-state boundary dispute between Bendel and Ondo state government: Molume; Request for the merger of Igbomina Ekiti area Kwara state with Oyo state; Request for boundary adjustment between Ihima?Aduji in Kwara state and Imorga in Bendel state; Request for the merger of western Ijaw in Bendel state wit Rivers atate; Request for the merger of Ake Island on the river Niger in Benue state with Bendel state; Request foe merger of Ohaozara division in Imo state with Anambra; Request for the adjustment of the boundary between the people of Gabey Gaken and Atifokpa communities in Ogoja division of Cross river state and the Tiv people of Hangiew Tiv in Gboko division of Benue state; Request for the merger of Tiv-occupied areas in Lafia division of Plateau state with Makurdi division in Benue state; Request to merger Koton Karfi district of Kogi division of Kwara state with Plateau state; Request for the merger of the Bassa-Nge people in Benue state with Kwara state; Request for the adjustment of the boundary between Wukari division in Gongola state and Katsina-Ala division in Benue state; Request for the merger of the Longudas of Nyuware, Walae and Jessu in Bauchi with Gongola state; Request for the merger of Kwaya Tera district in Borno state with Bauchi; Request for the merger of Shani division in Gongola state with Borno state; Request for the merger of the Marghis inUba district in Borno state with Gongola state; Request for the merger of Madagali district with Borno state; Request for the adjustment of the boundaries of Kaduna state: Intra-state boundary dispute: request for the settlement of the boundary between Ago-Iwoye and Oru in Ogun state: Request for the adjustment of boundary between the town of Share and Saragi in Kwara state; Request for the merger of Bako with Lapa Emirate in Niger state; Request for the merger of Paiko and Kafin with Lapai Emirate in Niger state; Request for the excision of Tangale-Waja land from Bauchi local authority and Gomber ;ocal authority and their merger with tangale-Waja local authority; Kakumo-Ayanran clan.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Report by board of investigation into accident to west African Airways Corporation Aircraft BRISTOL 170 VR-NAD
    (Lagos state: Federal government printer,, 1955-02) MINISTRY of communications and aviation
    Accident report; notification; brief circumstances; further details; observations; conclusions; opinion; recommendations.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Uganda report for the year 1955
    (Entebbe, Uganda: Information department of the government of Uganda,, 1956) Information department of the government of Uganda
    Population; Occupations, Wages and Labour Organisation; Public Finance and Taxation; Currency and Banking; Commerce; Production: Land Utilisation and Tenure; Agriculture; Animal Industry; Forestry; Fisheries; Tsetse Control; Hydrological Survey; Geological Survey and Mapping; Mining; Co-operative Development; Social Services: Education; Health; Virus Research; Housing; Town Planning; Social Welfare; Legislation; Justice, Police and Prisons; Public Utilities; Communications; Press, Broadcasting, Films and Information Services; Geography and Climate; History; Administration; Weights and Measures; Reading List.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Financial condition and performance of deposit money banks in the third and fourth quarters of 2017
    (Abuja: Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation, 2017) NIGERIA Deposit Insurance Corporation
    structure of assets and liabilities; financial condition of DMBs; conclusion.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Report of a sample survey of unemployment among school leavers vol. iii
    (Ibadan, Oyo State: Western State of Nigeria Ministry of Economic Planning and Social Development Statistics Division,, 1968-12) MINISTRY of economic planning and social development statistics division,
    Employment status of school leavers by type, sex and division; Primary school leavers pursuing higher courses by type, sex and division; Secondary modern school leavers pursuing higher courses by type, sex and division; Secondary grammar school leavers pursuing higher courses by type, sex and division; Primary school leavers business activity: employers or own account workers by sex division; Primary school leavers business activity: employee by sex division; Primary school leavers business activity number of apprentices by sex, division and type of activity; Secondary modern school leavers business activity employee by sex division; Secondary modern school leavers business activity number of apprentices by sex division; Secondary modern school leavers business activity employee by sex division; Male employed school leavers classified by duration of unemployment and division; Female employed school leavers classified by duration of unemployment and division; Male unemployed school leavers classified by job preference and division; Female unemployed school leavers classified by job preference and division; All school leavers: unemployment rate; Primary school leavers: unemployment rate; Secondary school leavers: unemployment rate; Secondary grammar school leavers unemployment rate
  • ItemOpen Access
    Federal military government's views on the report of the federal assets investigation panel 1975
    (Lagos: Federal Ministry of Information Printing Division,, 1976) FEDERAL ministry of information printing division,
    Public officer; Brigadier S. 0. Ogbemudia; Alhaji Audu Bako; Mr Ukpabi Asika; MR J. D. Gomwalk; Commander A. P. Diete-Spiff; Alhaji Shehu Shagari; Brigadier C. O. Rotimi; DR N. B. Graham-Douglas; Brigadier Abba Kyari; Brigadier Musa Usman; Colonel David Bamigboye; Shettima Alli Monguno; Mr G. C. Akwaeze; Brigadier Mobolaji Johnson; Dr Okot Arikpo; Brigadier U.J. Esuene; Alhaji Usman Faruk; Mr E K. Clark; Chief Anthony Enahoro; Dismissal of ex-military governors
  • ItemOpen Access
    Eastern Nigeria information service corporation accounts 1st April 1962-31st March 1963:
    (Enugu: The Government Printer,, 1965) MINISTRY of information eastern Nigeria
  • ItemOpen Access
    Report of the eastern Nigeria information service corporation accounts 1st April 1961 — 31st March 1962
    (Enugu:The Government Printer, 1964) The director of audit eastern Nigeria
  • ItemOpen Access
    A bill for governor of Delta state of Nigeria
    (Delta State: Government of Delta State of Nigeria, 2022-12-22) GOVERNMENT of Delta state of Nigeria
    First schedule recurrent expenditure; Second schedule capital expenditure
  • ItemOpen Access
    A bill for the Delta state internal revenue service.
    (Delta State: Internal Revenue Service,, 2020) DELTA state internal revenue service.
    Preliminary; Establishment, membership and functions of the state internal revenue service and its board; Establishment, composition and functions of the technical committee, local government revenue committee and joint state revenue committee; Financial provisions;Tax administration and enforcement; Miscellaneous
  • ItemOpen Access
    A bill for the Delta state house of assembly.
    (Delta State: Government of Delta State of Nigeria, 2022-12-16) GOVERNMENT of Delta state of Nigeria
    First schedule recurrent expenditure; Second schedule capital expenditure
  • ItemOpen Access
    The public service of Nigeria:
    (Lagos state: Federal Ministry of Information, Printing Division,, 1975-09) FEDERAL republic of Nigeria
    Government views on the report of the public service review panel; State civil service; Nigerian Police Force; Senior management positions; Middle management supervising and junior positions; Entry point into recruitment grade level
  • ItemOpen Access
    Annual report for 1956 on the working of the public service commission western region, Nigeria
    (Lagos: The Government Printer Western Region of Nigeria, 1956) The government western region of Nigeria
    The purpose; The objective—Nigerianisation; The progress of Nigerianisation; The personnel and staff of the commission; The functions of the commission; The business procedure, of the commission; The recruitment directorate; The overseas public service selection board; The Nigeria liaison office in Washington; The prospect of Nigerianisation;
  • ItemOpen Access
    Report by the Committee to advise the federal government on the stimulation of industrial development by affording relief from import duties and protection to Nigerian industry
    (Lagos state: Federal Government Printer,, 1955) FEDERATION of Nigeria
    Summary of Recommendation-General Principles; Decision on particular industries; Method of stimulating; Machinery for implementing relief from import duties or protection; Protection from competition; Financial assistance; Control of exploit;
  • ItemOpen Access
    Annual report of co-operative department ministry of commerce 1956-57
    (Enugu: Eastern Region of Nigeria,, 1958) EASTERN region of Nigeria
    General Progress; Thrift and Credit; Thrift; Central Finance; Consumer and Supply Societies; Produce Marketing and Processing; Crafts and Industries; Women's Societies; Other Societies; Education and Propaganda; Registrations and Liquidations; Miscellaneous; Statistics of Co-operative Societies; Chart of Organisation of Division;
  • ItemOpen Access
    Annual volume of the law of the eastern region of Nigeria 1958:
    (The Government Printer Eastern Region Nigeria, 1958) The GOVERNMENT eastern region Nigeria
    The Acquisition of Land by Aliens Law, 1958; The Children and Young Persons Law, 1958;The Cinema Corporation of Nigeria (Amendment) Law, 1958; The Commission of Inquiry Ordinance (Amendment) Law, 1958; The Criminal Code (Amendment) Law, 1958; The Customary Courts (Amendment) Law, 1958; The Director of Public Prosecutions Law, 1958; The Dogs Ordinance (Amendment) Law, 1958; The Eastern Nigeria Information Service (Amendment) Law,1958; The Eastern Nigeria Printing Corporation (Amendment) Law, 1958; The Eastern Region Agricultural (Amendment) Law, 1958; The Eastern Region Appropriation Law, 1958; The Eastern Region Development Corporation (Amendment) Law, 1958; The Eastern Region Forest (Amendment) Law, 1958; The Eastern Region Library Board (Amendment) Law, 1958; The Eastern Region Local Government (Amendment) Law, 1958; The Eastern Region Local Government (Amendment No. 2) Law, 1958; The Eastern Region Local Government (Extension of Office) Law, 1958; The Eastern Region Supplementary Appropriation Law, 1958; The Fatal Accidents (Amendment) Law, 1958; The Finances (Amendment) Law, 1958;The Illiterates Protection Ordinance (Amendment) Law, 1958; The Magistrates Court (Amendment) Law, 1958; The Oaths and Affirmations (Amendment) Law, 1958;The Pharmaceutical Corporation (Liquidation) Law, 1958; The Publications (Amendment) Law, 1958; The Public Holidays (Amendment) Law, 1958;The Public Lands Acquisition Ordinance (Amendment) Law, 1958; The Public Service Commission Law, 1958; The Purchase Tax on Produce (Amendment) Law, 1958; The Recognition of Chiefs (Amendment) Law, 1958;The Riot Damages Law, 1958;The Tourist Corporation of Eastern Nigeria (Amendment Law, 1958; The University of Nigeria (Amendment) Law, 1958; The University of Nigeria (Provisional Council) Law, 1958;The Vegetable Oil Refining (Licence and Control) (Amendment) Law, 1958;
  • ItemOpen Access
    Report of the Commission on the Marking of West African Cocoa
    (London: His Majesty Stationary Office,, 1938) SECRETARY of State for the Colonies
    Production and Exports; System of Government in the Colony and Ashanti; The “ oath; The Cocoa Industry in the Gold Coast; History of development and present importance; Conditions of cultivation; Loans and Agricultural Indebtedness; Future prospects; Cocoa Marketing in the Gold Coast; Buying Agreement; Preparation for market; Possible routes to market; Middlemen; Scale-buyers; Sub-brokers; Brokers; Independent Buyers; Exporters; Agreements made between buyers and their employers...; Financing of buyers; Remuneration: Commissions, Salary and Allowances; The fixing of buying prices: Stock declarations; Returns to Producers and Middlemen; transport costs; Cocoa Farmers' Co-operative Marketing and Credit Societies; The system of marketing Co-operative cocoa; General conclusion on the Co-operative Societies; History of development and present importance; Conditions of cultivation..