List of Categories
Speeches/Essays of past and present Presidents, Political office holders of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and other well meaning Nigerians
These are a collection of sound recordings, such as lectures, interviews, podcasts, music, and oral histories. These audio materials cover a wide range of topics and are available for listening, learning, and research purposes."
Collection containing extensive selection of framed autographs, manuscripts, historical books and materials from pre-colonial times
A collection of the constitutions, Laws and Acts of the Federal Government of Nigeria, all Political parties and parastatals
Historical information of Nigerians based on personal narration
A collection of all official government gazettes and circulars by the Federal Government of Nigeria and its federating states.
These are a collection of materials that support the preservation, promotion, and revitalization of indigenous languages. These resources include language learning materials, dictionaries, stories and cultural documents that reflect the linguistic and cultural diversity of indigenous communities."
A collection of writings on different subjects published in journals and other periodicals
A collection of Maps of different locations in Nigeria
A collection of detailed written study of a single specialised subject or an aspect of it
This category houses all the resources emanating from the National Library of Nigeria
a bulletin issued periodically to the members of an organisation
Daily/ weekly printed publications of Nigeria containing latest news , articles, advertisements and correspondences
All still pictures of major events in Nigeria
These includes documents detailing research findings, project outcomes, and institutional activities
Documented reports of ongoing or concluded research emanating from thesis, dessertations, projects e.t.c
Explore our extensive collection of training materials and manuals for enriching your skills and knowledge as training stands as a crucial element for personal and professional growth at the National Library.
All videos emanating from Nigeria from Independence to date