A Journal Of Igala land

edited by Brian Dawtrey
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Ayangba Agricultural Development Project,

Oral tradition and the history of Igala ; The supernatural aspects of disease and therapeutics among the Igala; The Igala nomenclature and demography; Physical Environment of Igala land ; Language; Traditions of origin and history; Main features of Economy ; Social organization and political system; The Igala; Main Cultural Features; Religious Beliefs and Cults; Timber Trees; Spotter's Guide; Health Notes; Ecological Notes on Intermediate Snail Vectors of Schistomiasis (Bilharziasis); The Influence of Farming and Fire on the Vegetation of Igala land; Description of the Communities; Farm Grasses; A. A.D.P. The Modern Concept for Agriculture.

This Journal was initiated by the Ayangba Agricultural Development Project in 1978, to perform the function of lasting educational record, and to act as a medium for attracting national and international interest in the human and natural resources of the area covered by the four Divisions of Idah, Dekina, Bassa and Ankpa. It is not intended to be a scientific journal as such, but to be reliably authenticated general interest publication aimed at a broad spectrum of readers.