Constitutions, Laws and Acts


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  • ItemOpen Access
    Defence regulations: the Nigeria general defence regulations, second edition 1941
    (Lagos: The Government printer, 1941-06) Attorney-General’s Chambers
    • The Emergency Powers (Defence) Act, 1939 • The Emergency Powers (Colonial Defence) Order in Council, 1939 • The Emergency' Powers (Defence) Act, 1940 • The Emergency Powers (Colonial Defence) (Amendment) Order in Council, 1940 • The Defence Regulations (Reciprocal Enforcement) Order, 1940 • The Emergency Powers (Defence) (No. 2) Act, 1940 • The Emergency’ Powers (Colonial Defence) (Explanation) Order in Council, 1942 • The Emergency Powers (Colonial Defence) (Amendment) Order in Council, 1942 • The Evidence and Powers of Attorney Act, 1940 • Order in Council, 1940, Specifying Competent Officers for the purpose of the Evidence and Powers of Attorney Act , 1940 • The Evidence and Powers of Attorney Order in Council, 1941 • The Evidence and Powers of Attorney Act, 1943 • The Nigeria General Defence Regulations, 1941 • The Defence (Control of Imports) Regulations, 1939 • The Defence (Import, Control and Salf of Explosives) Regulations, 1940 • The Nigeria Defence (Amendment of Laws No. I — Oaths and Affirmations) Regulations, 1941 • The Publications (Control of Newsprint) Regulations, 1941. • The Nigeria Defence (Prohibition of Movement of Produce and Merchandise) Regulations, 1941 • The Minerals (Closed Areas) Regulations, 1942 • The Nigeria General Defence (Lagos Registration) Regulations, 1942 • The Nigeria Defence (Identification of Aliens) Regulations 1942
  • ItemOpen Access
    Laws of the Northern region of Nigeria 1955 with supplement parts.
    (Kaduna: The Government Printer,, 1955) The Government of northern Nigeria
    ■ Table of laws, 1955 alphabetical order ■ Table of laws, 1955 numerical order ■ Notice of confirmation of laws ■ Index of subsidiary legislation
  • ItemOpen Access
    Table of the Western region of Nigeria laws, 1958
    (Ibadan : The Government Printer Western Region, Nigeria, 1958) The Government of the western region
    ■ Table of the Western region of Nigeria laws, 1958 alphabetical order. ■ Table of the Western region of Nigeria laws, 1958 chronological order ■ 1958 notices of confirmation of the western region of Nigeria laws ■ Table showing the effect of the year's legislation. ■ Statutory instruments
  • ItemOpen Access
    Court of appeal: 40 years and counting
    (Lokoja: Fiduciare media limited., 2024) OKENWA, Lillian; Kristen Y.C. Okenwa
     The court.  Notable decisions I.  Notable decision II.  Appeal court and elections petitions.  Conflicting judgements and corruption.  Presidents from 1976 to date.  Appointments.  Divisions.  Administration.  Recommendations, suggestions and commendations.  The court of unity and friendship in pictures.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Essays in constitutional law of Nigeria
    (Jos: Jos University Press Ltd, 1984) BHALLA, R. S.
    Federal Structure of the Constitution of Nigeria; Separation of Powers Under the Constitution of Nigeria; Independence of Judiciary; Under the Constitution of Nigeria; Rule of Law Under the Constitution of Nigeria; Fundamental Objectives and Directive Principles of State Policy; Under the Constitution of Nigeria;
  • ItemOpen Access
    CURRENT Themes in the 1999 Constitution: A tribute to Honourable Justice S.M.A Belgore, GCON, FNIALS
    (Lagos: Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 2007) edited by GUOBADD. A. Guobadia; Epiphany Azinge
    Of Matrices and Transformation: The Constitution in an Era of Change; The Philosophy and Structure of Government; Secularism and the Nigerian State: Some Fundamental Questions of Politics and Religion in Nigeria; Religion and the State in Nigeria; The State and Religion in Nigeria; Federalism and the Management of Ethnicity in Nigeria: The 1999 Constitution in Perspective; Contemporary Issues in the Local Government system under the 1999 Constitution; The Political Arms of Government; Forestalling Divided Government: Nigeria as a Case Study; Executive-Legislature Relations; Executive Immunity and Public Accountability: The Nigerian Experience; The Politics of Impeachment: The Nigerian Experience; er Twelve: Fair Hearing and Law Enforce: Some Recent Developments Chapter Thirteen Constitutionality of Legislative Actions: The National Assembly in Perspective Chapter Fourteen: The Contempt Powers of the Legislature Chapter Fifteen: The Right of Recall under the 1999 Constitution • Part III The Electoral Process Chapter Sixteen: Campaign Finance and Constitutional Democracy in Nigeria Chapter Seventeen: Disqualification of Candidates for Elective Office: Constitutional Imperatives Chapter Eighteen: Constitutional Implications of the Executive Team Ticket
  • ItemOpen Access
    National mathematical centre act 2004 - proposed amendment
    (Abuja: Federal Government of Nigeria,, 2004) FEDERAL Government of Nigeria
    Establishment of the National Mathematical Centre; Establishment and membership of the Governing Council of the Centre; Tenure of office; Power of the Minister to give directives; Functions of the Centre; Powers of the Centre; Director and other staff of the Centre; Staff regulations; Pensions; Establishment of an Academic Board for the Centre; Fund of the Centre; Annual estimate, accounts and audit; Annual report; Regulations; Interpretation; Short title.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Nigeria Arabic Language Village Bill, 2020 (SB 331)
    (2020) Sponsored by senator KASHIM, Shettima
  • ItemOpen Access
    National commission for almajiri and out of school children education act, 2023
    (Abuja: Federal Government of Nigeria,, 2023-05) FEDERAL Government of Nigeria
    Establishment of the national commission for almajiri and out of school children education; Governing board of the commission; Powers of the board; Tenure of office; Allowances of members; Cessation of membership of the board; Objectives of the commission; Functions of the commission; Powers of the commission; Power of minister to give directives to the commission; Executive secretary of the commission; Other staff of the Commission; Pension; Offices and premises of the commission; Indemnity of officers; Establishment of almajiri and out of school children education centres; Establishment of national almajiri and out of school children fund; Maintenance of separate fund by the commission; Powers to accept gifts; Powers to borrow; Expenditure of the commission; Annual estimate and accounts; Annual report; Power to obtain information; Limitation of suits against the commission; Service of documents; Interpretation; Citation
  • ItemOpen Access
    National Library Decree 1970 supplement to official gazette no. 27, vol. 57 14th may, 1970 (Part A)
    (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1970-05-14) FEDERAL Republic of Nigeria
    National Library Board; Functions and Powers; The Director; Deposit Obligations; General Financial Provisions; General Reserve; Power to borrow and invest; Accounts and Credit; Annual Report; Legal Proceedings, service of documents; Compulsory Acquisition of Land; Repeal; Interpretation; Citation, extent and commencement.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Joint admissions and matriculation board act, 1989 No. 33.
    (Abuja: Joint admissions and matriculation board,, 1989-12-07) JOINT admissions and matriculation board,
    Establishment of the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board; Membership of the Board; Tenure of Office; Removal from office of member of the Board; Functions of the Board; Power of Minister to give directives; Registrar to the Board; Other staff of the Board; Application of Pension Act; Fund of the Board; Expenditure of the Board; Annual estimates, accounts and audit; Annual report; Power to obtain information; Regulations; Repeal, savings and transfer of liabilities, staff, etc; Interpretation; Short title.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Story of the new constitution
    (Lagos: A P.R.O publication,, 1948) NIGERIA
    how was the new constitution prepared?; the decision on how the constitutional review should be carried out; how the constitutional review was conducted; the general conference; approval by the secretary of state; a great achievement; how will the new constitution work?; regional autonomy; representative legislatures; the central council of ministers and regional executive councils; representative legislatures; the central council of ministers and regional executive councils; the ministerial system; finance; the government service; electoral system; the time-table; a challenge to Nigeria.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Western state chieftancy declarations Akoko division
    (Ibadan: The Government Printer, Ibadan, Western State of Nigeria, 1957) WESTERN state of Nigeria
  • ItemOpen Access
    Introduction to citizens' handbook On 1999 Nigerian constitution
    (Ikeja, Lagos State(54, Abeokuta Street, Anifowoshe, G.P.O.Box 543): Law View Consult,, 2009) IKOGHO, Joseph
    Introduction and general provision (Sections 1, to 3, 8, 9, 10 & 12); Citizenship (Sections 24 to 27 and 309); Duty and responsibility of government (Sections 13 to 23); People’s rights (Sections 33 to 46); Federal legislature (Sections 4(1) to (5) and 47 to 78); State legislature (Sections 4(6) & (7) and 91 to 109); Federal executive (Sections 5(1) and 130 to 152); State executive (Sections 5(2) and 176 to 196); Public service (Sections 169 to 175; 206 to 212); The Police and armed forces (Sections 214 to 216 and 217 to 220); Political parties and election tribunals (Sections 221 to 229, 285 and the Sixth Schedide); Executive bodies (Sections 153 to 161, 197 to 205 & Third Schedule); Local Government system (Section 7); Names of local government areas (First Schedule, Part 1); The Judiciary (Sections 6(1) & (2) and 230 to 284); Code of conduct for public officers (Fifth Schedule); Oaths (Seventh Schedule); Federal capital territory (Sections 297 to 304 and First Schedule, Part I)
  • ItemOpen Access
    Nigeria's constitution of 1999 with amendments through 2011:
    (constituteproject, 2011) COMPARATIVE constitutions project.
    General provision; Fundamental objectives and directive principles of state policy; citizenship; fundamental rights; the legislature; the executive; the judicature; Federal Capital Territory, Abuja and general supplementary provisions; functions of local government councils;
  • ItemOpen Access
    Constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria ( first alteration) act 2010
    (Fct, Abuja: Federal Governement of Nigeria,, 2010) FEDERAL government of Nigeria
    Constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria ( first alteration) act 2010; first alteration; act 2010.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria 1999.
    (Fct, Abuja: Federal Governement of Nigeria.,, 1999) FEDERAL government of Nigeria
    General provisions; Supremacy of constitution; Legislative powers; Local government system; Economic objectives; Social objectives; Educational objectives; Foreign policy objectives; Environmental objectives; Directive on Nigeria cultures; Obligation of the mass media; National ethics; Duties of the citizen; Fundamental rights; Establishment of national assembly; Composition of the senate; Composition of the house of representatives; President of the senate and; Staff of the national assembly; Declaration of assets and liabilities ;oath of members; Presiding at sitting of the national assembly and at joint sittings; Quorum; Languages; Voting; Unqualified person sitting or voting; Mode of exercising federal legislative power: general; Mode of exercising federal legislative power: money bills; Regulation of procedure.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria ( with the first, second and third alterations)
    (Federal Ministry of Justice, Abuja, 2011) FEDERAL Ministry of Justice
    Federal Republic of Nigeria pg. 1; fundamental objectives and directive principles of state policy pg. 10; citizenship pg. 15; fundamental rights pg. 18; National Assembly; Composition and Staff of National Assembly pg. 27; House of Assembly of a State; Composition and Staff of House of Assembly pg. 41; Procedure for Summoning and Dissolution of House of Assembly pg. 42; Powers and Control over Public Funds pg. 49; Federal Executive:the President of the Federation pg. 54; Establishment of certain Federal Executive Bodies pg. 63; Public Revenue pg. 66; the Public Service of a State pg. 81; Political Parties pg. 86.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Debates in the legislative council of Nigeria.
    (The Legislative Council of Nigeria., 1940-03-04) The legislative council of Nigeria.
    Pursuant to notice the honourable members of the legislative council met in the council chamber. Lagos, at 10 a.m. on monday, the 4th of March.1940
  • ItemOpen Access
    Acts of Nigeria 1964.
    (Lagos: By Authority of the Federal Government of Nigeria and the Ministry' of Information, Printing Division,, 1964) The FEDERAL government of Nigeria
    Preliminary; Operation of enactments; Construction of statutory powers and duties; Interpretation of enactments; Miscellaneous; Supplementary;