Constitutions, Laws and Acts
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Item Open Access Defence regulations: the Nigeria general defence regulations, second edition 1941(Lagos: The Government printer, 1941-06) Attorney-General’s Chambers• The Emergency Powers (Defence) Act, 1939 • The Emergency Powers (Colonial Defence) Order in Council, 1939 • The Emergency' Powers (Defence) Act, 1940 • The Emergency Powers (Colonial Defence) (Amendment) Order in Council, 1940 • The Defence Regulations (Reciprocal Enforcement) Order, 1940 • The Emergency Powers (Defence) (No. 2) Act, 1940 • The Emergency’ Powers (Colonial Defence) (Explanation) Order in Council, 1942 • The Emergency Powers (Colonial Defence) (Amendment) Order in Council, 1942 • The Evidence and Powers of Attorney Act, 1940 • Order in Council, 1940, Specifying Competent Officers for the purpose of the Evidence and Powers of Attorney Act , 1940 • The Evidence and Powers of Attorney Order in Council, 1941 • The Evidence and Powers of Attorney Act, 1943 • The Nigeria General Defence Regulations, 1941 • The Defence (Control of Imports) Regulations, 1939 • The Defence (Import, Control and Salf of Explosives) Regulations, 1940 • The Nigeria Defence (Amendment of Laws No. I — Oaths and Affirmations) Regulations, 1941 • The Publications (Control of Newsprint) Regulations, 1941. • The Nigeria Defence (Prohibition of Movement of Produce and Merchandise) Regulations, 1941 • The Minerals (Closed Areas) Regulations, 1942 • The Nigeria General Defence (Lagos Registration) Regulations, 1942 • The Nigeria Defence (Identification of Aliens) Regulations 1942Item Open Access Laws of the Northern region of Nigeria 1955 with supplement parts.(Kaduna: The Government Printer,, 1955) The Government of northern Nigeria■ Table of laws, 1955 alphabetical order ■ Table of laws, 1955 numerical order ■ Notice of confirmation of laws ■ Index of subsidiary legislationItem Open Access Table of the Western region of Nigeria laws, 1958(Ibadan : The Government Printer Western Region, Nigeria, 1958) The Government of the western region■ Table of the Western region of Nigeria laws, 1958 alphabetical order. ■ Table of the Western region of Nigeria laws, 1958 chronological order ■ 1958 notices of confirmation of the western region of Nigeria laws ■ Table showing the effect of the year's legislation. ■ Statutory instrumentsItem Open Access Court of appeal: 40 years and counting(Lokoja: Fiduciare media limited., 2024) OKENWA, Lillian; Kristen Y.C. Okenwa The court. Notable decisions I. Notable decision II. Appeal court and elections petitions. Conflicting judgements and corruption. Presidents from 1976 to date. Appointments. Divisions. Administration. Recommendations, suggestions and commendations. The court of unity and friendship in pictures.Item Open Access Essays in constitutional law of Nigeria(Jos: Jos University Press Ltd, 1984) BHALLA, R. S.Federal Structure of the Constitution of Nigeria; Separation of Powers Under the Constitution of Nigeria; Independence of Judiciary; Under the Constitution of Nigeria; Rule of Law Under the Constitution of Nigeria; Fundamental Objectives and Directive Principles of State Policy; Under the Constitution of Nigeria;Item Open Access CURRENT Themes in the 1999 Constitution: A tribute to Honourable Justice S.M.A Belgore, GCON, FNIALS(Lagos: Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 2007) edited by GUOBADD. A. Guobadia; Epiphany AzingeOf Matrices and Transformation: The Constitution in an Era of Change; The Philosophy and Structure of Government; Secularism and the Nigerian State: Some Fundamental Questions of Politics and Religion in Nigeria; Religion and the State in Nigeria; The State and Religion in Nigeria; Federalism and the Management of Ethnicity in Nigeria: The 1999 Constitution in Perspective; Contemporary Issues in the Local Government system under the 1999 Constitution; The Political Arms of Government; Forestalling Divided Government: Nigeria as a Case Study; Executive-Legislature Relations; Executive Immunity and Public Accountability: The Nigerian Experience; The Politics of Impeachment: The Nigerian Experience; er Twelve: Fair Hearing and Law Enforce: Some Recent Developments Chapter Thirteen Constitutionality of Legislative Actions: The National Assembly in Perspective Chapter Fourteen: The Contempt Powers of the Legislature Chapter Fifteen: The Right of Recall under the 1999 Constitution • Part III The Electoral Process Chapter Sixteen: Campaign Finance and Constitutional Democracy in Nigeria Chapter Seventeen: Disqualification of Candidates for Elective Office: Constitutional Imperatives Chapter Eighteen: Constitutional Implications of the Executive Team TicketItem Open Access National mathematical centre act 2004 - proposed amendment(Abuja: Federal Government of Nigeria,, 2004) FEDERAL Government of NigeriaEstablishment of the National Mathematical Centre; Establishment and membership of the Governing Council of the Centre; Tenure of office; Power of the Minister to give directives; Functions of the Centre; Powers of the Centre; Director and other staff of the Centre; Staff regulations; Pensions; Establishment of an Academic Board for the Centre; Fund of the Centre; Annual estimate, accounts and audit; Annual report; Regulations; Interpretation; Short title.Item Open Access Nigeria Arabic Language Village Bill, 2020 (SB 331)(2020) Sponsored by senator KASHIM, ShettimaItem Open Access National commission for almajiri and out of school children education act, 2023(Abuja: Federal Government of Nigeria,, 2023-05) FEDERAL Government of NigeriaEstablishment of the national commission for almajiri and out of school children education; Governing board of the commission; Powers of the board; Tenure of office; Allowances of members; Cessation of membership of the board; Objectives of the commission; Functions of the commission; Powers of the commission; Power of minister to give directives to the commission; Executive secretary of the commission; Other staff of the Commission; Pension; Offices and premises of the commission; Indemnity of officers; Establishment of almajiri and out of school children education centres; Establishment of national almajiri and out of school children fund; Maintenance of separate fund by the commission; Powers to accept gifts; Powers to borrow; Expenditure of the commission; Annual estimate and accounts; Annual report; Power to obtain information; Limitation of suits against the commission; Service of documents; Interpretation; CitationItem Open Access National Library Decree 1970 supplement to official gazette no. 27, vol. 57 14th may, 1970 (Part A)(Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1970-05-14) FEDERAL Republic of NigeriaNational Library Board; Functions and Powers; The Director; Deposit Obligations; General Financial Provisions; General Reserve; Power to borrow and invest; Accounts and Credit; Annual Report; Legal Proceedings, service of documents; Compulsory Acquisition of Land; Repeal; Interpretation; Citation, extent and commencement.Item Open Access Joint admissions and matriculation board act, 1989 No. 33.(Abuja: Joint admissions and matriculation board,, 1989-12-07) JOINT admissions and matriculation board,Establishment of the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board; Membership of the Board; Tenure of Office; Removal from office of member of the Board; Functions of the Board; Power of Minister to give directives; Registrar to the Board; Other staff of the Board; Application of Pension Act; Fund of the Board; Expenditure of the Board; Annual estimates, accounts and audit; Annual report; Power to obtain information; Regulations; Repeal, savings and transfer of liabilities, staff, etc; Interpretation; Short title.Item Open Access The Story of the new constitution(Lagos: A P.R.O publication,, 1948) NIGERIAhow was the new constitution prepared?; the decision on how the constitutional review should be carried out; how the constitutional review was conducted; the general conference; approval by the secretary of state; a great achievement; how will the new constitution work?; regional autonomy; representative legislatures; the central council of ministers and regional executive councils; representative legislatures; the central council of ministers and regional executive councils; the ministerial system; finance; the government service; electoral system; the time-table; a challenge to Nigeria.Item Open Access Western state chieftancy declarations Akoko division(Ibadan: The Government Printer, Ibadan, Western State of Nigeria, 1957) WESTERN state of NigeriaItem Open Access Introduction to citizens' handbook On 1999 Nigerian constitution(Ikeja, Lagos State(54, Abeokuta Street, Anifowoshe, G.P.O.Box 543): Law View Consult,, 2009) IKOGHO, JosephIntroduction and general provision (Sections 1, to 3, 8, 9, 10 & 12); Citizenship (Sections 24 to 27 and 309); Duty and responsibility of government (Sections 13 to 23); People’s rights (Sections 33 to 46); Federal legislature (Sections 4(1) to (5) and 47 to 78); State legislature (Sections 4(6) & (7) and 91 to 109); Federal executive (Sections 5(1) and 130 to 152); State executive (Sections 5(2) and 176 to 196); Public service (Sections 169 to 175; 206 to 212); The Police and armed forces (Sections 214 to 216 and 217 to 220); Political parties and election tribunals (Sections 221 to 229, 285 and the Sixth Schedide); Executive bodies (Sections 153 to 161, 197 to 205 & Third Schedule); Local Government system (Section 7); Names of local government areas (First Schedule, Part 1); The Judiciary (Sections 6(1) & (2) and 230 to 284); Code of conduct for public officers (Fifth Schedule); Oaths (Seventh Schedule); Federal capital territory (Sections 297 to 304 and First Schedule, Part I)Item Open Access Nigeria's constitution of 1999 with amendments through 2011:(constituteproject, 2011) COMPARATIVE constitutions project.General provision; Fundamental objectives and directive principles of state policy; citizenship; fundamental rights; the legislature; the executive; the judicature; Federal Capital Territory, Abuja and general supplementary provisions; functions of local government councils;Item Open Access Constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria ( first alteration) act 2010(Fct, Abuja: Federal Governement of Nigeria,, 2010) FEDERAL government of NigeriaConstitution of the federal republic of Nigeria ( first alteration) act 2010; first alteration; act 2010.Item Open Access Constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria 1999.(Fct, Abuja: Federal Governement of Nigeria.,, 1999) FEDERAL government of NigeriaGeneral provisions; Supremacy of constitution; Legislative powers; Local government system; Economic objectives; Social objectives; Educational objectives; Foreign policy objectives; Environmental objectives; Directive on Nigeria cultures; Obligation of the mass media; National ethics; Duties of the citizen; Fundamental rights; Establishment of national assembly; Composition of the senate; Composition of the house of representatives; President of the senate and; Staff of the national assembly; Declaration of assets and liabilities ;oath of members; Presiding at sitting of the national assembly and at joint sittings; Quorum; Languages; Voting; Unqualified person sitting or voting; Mode of exercising federal legislative power: general; Mode of exercising federal legislative power: money bills; Regulation of procedure.Item Open Access Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria ( with the first, second and third alterations)(Federal Ministry of Justice, Abuja, 2011) FEDERAL Ministry of JusticeFederal Republic of Nigeria pg. 1; fundamental objectives and directive principles of state policy pg. 10; citizenship pg. 15; fundamental rights pg. 18; National Assembly; Composition and Staff of National Assembly pg. 27; House of Assembly of a State; Composition and Staff of House of Assembly pg. 41; Procedure for Summoning and Dissolution of House of Assembly pg. 42; Powers and Control over Public Funds pg. 49; Federal Executive:the President of the Federation pg. 54; Establishment of certain Federal Executive Bodies pg. 63; Public Revenue pg. 66; the Public Service of a State pg. 81; Political Parties pg. 86.Item Open Access Debates in the legislative council of Nigeria.(The Legislative Council of Nigeria., 1940-03-04) The legislative council of Nigeria.Pursuant to notice the honourable members of the legislative council met in the council chamber. Lagos, at 10 a.m. on monday, the 4th of March.1940Item Open Access Acts of Nigeria 1964.(Lagos: By Authority of the Federal Government of Nigeria and the Ministry' of Information, Printing Division,, 1964) The FEDERAL government of NigeriaPreliminary; Operation of enactments; Construction of statutory powers and duties; Interpretation of enactments; Miscellaneous; Supplementary;
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