Annual Report for 1956 on the working of The Public Service Commission Western Region, Nigeria.
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Ibadan, Western Region Of Nigeria
The aim of this Government is to build up and maintain in this Region an efficient and contented Civil Service. This first Report on the Regional Public Service Commission. We have sought to give not only a complete picture of its working during the year 1956, but have also referred to the background of 1955, which was largely a formative year. We have thought it desirable to explain the purpose and functions of the Commission, and the factual aspects of Nigerianisation. The statistics, we have appended, shown in detail the measure of success which has attended the policy laid down by the Government of the Region to secure the sound and ordered advance of Nigerianisation in the Public Service. We are conscious of our deep obligation to Your Excellency for the searching scrutiny which you have given to our submissions of advice throughout the year under review.