
Opening session; Chairman's opening remarks; Keynote address; The theories and conceptions of leadership; History of leadership in Nigeria; Sectoral leadership: Problems and prospects; Cultural and geopolitical considerations; Comparative perspectives and lessons from other countries; The generational debate; The way forward.

The search for leadership in Nigeria was the key issue at the third Obafemi Awolowo foundation dialogue which took place in Lagos in December 1994. This publication is the outcome of the three-day dialogue during which the problem of leadership in Nigeria was exhaustively and closely examined. For over thirty years since its independence, Nigeria has floundered from one grave political crisis to another. In that period, we have had a civil war, five successful military coups d'etat and five attempted but failed coups. We have had only two civilian regimes with a combined total of only nine years in power, while the military has been in power for a total of 25 years. In 1993, the long transition to civil rule programme was aborted following the annulment of that year's Presidential elections which should have brought the civilians back to power. The dialogue took place in a period of great turmoil, characterised by uncertainty about the nation's political future, by deep social tensions, and by a severe downturn in the national economy with consequent deterioration in the quality of life of the average Nigerian citizen. In keeping with the excellent traditions established since its inception, The Obafemi Awolowo foundation brought together for the dialogue eminent scholars, jurists, politicians, the professional class, retired diplomats and military men, civil servants and traditional chiefs to throw the searchlight on tire failure of leadership in Nigeria and examine in depth the whys and wherefores of a problem whose solution continues to haunt, perhaps even torment, the nation state. Expectedly, many factors were adduced for the lack of credible leadership including the nature of the colonial legacy, our cultural and ethnic diversity, the political and economic imbalance within the nation, the lack of commitment by its leaders to democracy and the tepid political will of the populace. While it was generally accepted that Nigeria's leaders had failed the nation, many argued that there was no shortage of good leaders as such but that the twin evils of "clientelism and prebendalism'' had made it virtually impossible for such credible leaders to emerge. It was for this very reason that Chief Obafemi Awolowo was described (only on his demise) as “the best president Nigeria never had". What it all boils down to is that the structure of power in Nigeria, and recruitment into it, seem destined to produce the wrong leaders for the country, leaders who are neither dedicated nor detribalized, but adept in the pursuit of narrow and selfish interests.