British administration in Nigeria 1900-1950: A Nigerian view

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New York: NOK Publishers, Ltd,

Historical, Political and Constitutional Setting; Indirect Rule and the Northern Nigeria Administration 1909-1913; The Collapse of the Southern Nigeria Administration 1909-1913. And the Amalgamation of Nigeria, 1914; Sir Hugh Clifford: The Unconforming Governor of Nigeria 1919-1925; The Years of Conflict: Northern Nigeria Separatism: 1926-1929; The Years of Crises: Southern Provinces Intractability: 1927-1931; The Years of Reforms 1931-1934; he Chiefs, the Peasantry and British Overrule; The Quest for a Model Constitution 1937-1947.

This book is the result of over sixteen years of post-graduate, but part-time, work. Obviously, in a study of such long duration, there are many persons who offered help, advice, or encouragement, and there were those who actively assisted, in the final stages, with the arduous task of getting it ready for publication. In a brief acknowledge meant, it is impossible to mention all of these by name and so I wish to use this opportunity to thank them all very warmly.