The History of political change among the Tiv in the 19th and 20th Centuries

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Enugu State (16 Fifth Avenue City Layout P.M.B. 01164): Fourth Dimension Publishing Co. Ltd.,
  1. Tiv Enter Benue Plains 3; The Beginning of 19th Century 12; Tiv Government at the Beginning of 19th Century 23; Chamba Wars: Tiv Dominates Benue Valley in the 19th Century 31; The Great Dispersal in the Benue Plains 36; The Age of the Drum Chiefs 60; The British Conquest 87; The Era of the British Chiefs 1st Phase, 1915-1930 118; The Era of British Chiefs 2nd Phase 1931-1950 155; The Impact of Christian Missions and Western Education 185; The Era of Politics (1st Phase 1950-1956) 199; The Era of Politics, 2nd Phase 1957-1960 UMBC under Tarka 217; The Atemitiough of 1964 and the Coomassie Report 229.
The aim of taking Another Look at the Tiv through the History of their Political Change In the 19th and 20thCenturies, is twofold. The first is to show the system of government that existed among the Tiv on the eve of the British conquest. The second is to show how this system suffered traumatic deliberate dislocation at the hands of the British despite protests by the Tiv. The final result was the anarchy of 1960 and 1964 named nande nande and atemtyo respectively. In official records it is anonymously documented as "Tiv Riots".