Sixth Annual Report of the Eastern Regional Development Board 1954-55
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Eastern Region Development Corporation, Enugu,
Sixth Annual Report of the Eastern Regional Development Board 1954-55 Introduction Pg.3; Constitution Pg.3; Loan Policy. Pg.4; Funds Pg.5; Loans Pg.5; Administration Pg.7; Conclusion Pg.7; Report on the audit of the accounts of the eastern regional development board for the period 1st April, 1954—3ist January, 1955. Pg.8; Authorities Pg.9; Income and Expenditure Account Pg.9; Eastern Regional Income and Expenditure Account 1954. Pg.10; Development Board for the Period 1/4/54 to I4/I/55 1954 pg.11; Eastern Regional Balance Sheet 1953/54. Pg.12; Development board 31st January, 1955. Pg.13; Certificate Pg.14
This is a brief discription of the Eastern Regional Development Board established on the 14th of May, 1949, under Ordinance No. 14 of 1949, as joint successor (with similar Boards in the Northern and Western Regions and in the Colony) to the Nigeria Local Development Board.