The Abiriba civilization early days to the 20th C. AD

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Aba, Abia State: 31 Garden Avenue P.O. Box 3909, Heritage House Publications

"Geo Political Location; Ethnographic Background; Movements and Settlement in Abiriba; Dispersal and Settlement of 2000 Bc; Movement And Settlement of 1300 - 1400 AD; Leaders of the Movement; Aro And Abiriba Migration; The Ibeku Movement; The Biase Movemen; Other Movements; Settlement Pattern; Abriba and her Neigbours; Common Characteristics; Conflict And Peace; Nkporo; Edda; Ohafia; Abam; Igbere, Umuhu and Item; Arochukwu; The Ezeship in Abiriba; The Enachioken; The Powers of the Eze; Some Abiriba Eze in history; Eze konta ogba Enwe; Eze Ukpabi Okoroafor; Eze Uduka Otaka 1903; Eze Nnam Nnaju 1905-1921; Okoroafor Nwaeze 1922-1940; Eze Ikpe Mba 1 1941-1973; Eze Ukiwo Ukoha Ukiwo 1975 - 1999; The age grade system; Origins of the System The Philosophy of Age Grouping; Membership and Equality; The structure of the system; Sixteen or fourteen age groups; The Uke Ekpe and Uke Ogba-ngwuru; The Training groups; Ten Operative Age Grades; The Izara Efa Age Grade; Uke Igwa Mang; Uke ji agbala or The Wall Of The System; functions of the age grade; military functions; Establishment of law and order; Social services; modern functions; modern functions and the leadership; crisis in the age grade 1980- 1999; The Cause; Development of the Crisis; The shameful affray of 1988 and after; The woman's March and Peace Settlement, November 1992; New threats to peace, 1996; New Peace moves, 1997 - 1998; Amamba woman's protest; Other peace Initiatives; The Erinma Hall peace Meeting of February And Marchl998; Abia State Government Stand; Reconciliation Initiatives by Churches in Abiriba 1999 and Peace Agreement; the Abiriba communal improvement union (A.C.I.U.); The founding of A. C. I. U; The Aims And objectives of the Union; The A. C. I. U in Abiriba history 1941 - 1996; The First Century Gospel Church (F. C. G. C); The salvation Army; The Unity Church; The National Church of Nigeria or the Godian Religion; The white Garment Churches or Spiritual Churches; The Pentecostal Churches; The Roman Catholic Mission; The Mennonite; Abiriba and the Churches."

A historical account of the people of Abiriba, an Igbo community numbering more than forty thousand (1991 provisional census figure), inhabiting a portion of the undulating stretch of the North South East highlands of the former eastern region of Nigeria.