Report of visitation to university college, Ibadan January, 1957.
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Ibadan: Ibadan University Press,
Historical Summary , The Present State of the College , Future Development , Quinquennial Advisory Committee
The delegation was appointed by the Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas at the request of the Visitor of the College acting in accordance with Section 6 of the University College, Ibadan Ordinance, 1954 and its terms of reference were:—
(a) to review the progress of the College since the 1952 visitation and
(b) to advise the College on its future prospects with parti cular reference to development during the quinquennium 1957-62.
2. The delegation arrived in Nigeria immediately after Christmas. 1956 and left about the middle ofJanuary, 1957. During this period visits were made to all three regions and to Lagos. Discussions were held with the Governor-General, Ministers, officials and members of the public as well as with the College Council, Principal, staff and students. Our gratitude is due to all of them for their unfailing helpfulness.