A preface to modern Nigeria:

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London: (Madison and Milwaukee Box 1379, Madison, Wisconsin 53701): The University of Wisconsin Press

The West African setting; The Sierra Leone experience and the beginnings of the Eastward Migration; The return to yoruba country: Lagos, Badagry, Abeokuta; The imposition of British consular control in Lagos; Sierra Leonians and trade; Sierra Leonians in administration, politics, and missions; The struggle for power in the hinterland of lagos colony; Emigrants in changing trade relations; Emigrants in the Lagos hinterland:The dilemma of involvement; The emigrants under changing administrations:Voices of political protest; Christianity and the challenge of allegiances; Changing emigrants roles through the nineteenth century;

This study is an attempt to clarify an episode of West African history in the nineteenth century which has played a many faceted part in shaping modern Nigeria and which, both at the time and more recently, has had over simplified and stereotyped interpretations.