NATIONAL library of Nigeria2024-02-062024-02-062023 is the portrait of Hon. Ibrahim Salisu Buhari (speaker, house of representative 1999-2000). Salisu Buhari (born 3 January 1970) is a former Speaker of the House of Representatives of Nigeria. In 1999, he resigned from office over allegations of certificate forgery. He was later convicted of certificate forgery and sentenced to two years in prison with an option of a fine. After Salisu resigned, he was prosecuted and sentenced to two years in prison with the option of a fine. He paid his fine and was later granted a state pardon by President Olusegun Obasanjo.Portrait of Hon. Ibrahim Salisu Buhari (speaker, house of representative 1999-2000).enA portrait of Hon. Ibrahim Salisu Buhari (speaker, house of representative 1999-2000).Image