AJAGBE, Charles Adesola2023-07-252023-07-252017-03https://nigeriareposit.nln.gov.ng/handle/20.500.14186/813This study examined the perception of rural populace on environmental degradation in Afijio Local Government Area (LGA) of Oyo State. Various activities leading to environmental degradation in the study area were identified and these include burning, over cultivation, deforestation, overgrazing and the use of fertilizer. Questionnaire was used as a tool for collecting data in ten selected areas of the study area and twenty copies of questionnaire were administered in each area. Data collected were subjected to simple percentage method of analysis, and the only hypothesis postulated was tested with chi-square statistical technique. Findings revealed poor and wrong perception of the respondents (the rural populace) about environmental degradation. Based on these findings, it is suggested, that government at all levels, especially local level, should promote environmental education especially in the rural areas. Living standard of rural populace should also be raised so as to reduce pressure on natural resources, amongst others.Introduction; Statement of the problem; Objectives of the study; Research questions; Scope of the study; Methodology; Testing of hypothesis; Discussion of findings; Conclusion; Recommendations; References.enRural populace perception on environmental degradation and education for sustainable developmentPacesetter: Journal of Emmanuel Alayande College of Education. Vol. 21, No. 2Article