WESTERN Region Marketing Board2023-06-292023-06-291960https://nigeriareposit.nln.gov.ng/handle/20.500.14186/763This Report covers the period 1st October, 1959, to 30th September, 1960, and has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of section 20 of the Western Region Marketing Board Law (Cap. 75 of the Laws of the Western Region of Nigeria. 1959), which reads: “20; As soon as may be after the thirtieth day of September in each year, the Marketing Board shall prepare a report of its operations during the preceding year, and shall forward such report to the Governor in Council, together with a certified copy of the audited accounts of the Marketing Board; The annual report and certified copy of the audited accounts of the Marketing Board, together with the auditor’s report, shall be published in such manner as the Minister may direct and shall be laid upon the Table of the Western House of Assembly and upon the Table of the Western House of Chiefs also.Introduction; General; Review of operations during the period covered by the report; Financial allocation for scientific research and economic development; Board’s accounts and financial position; Conclusion.enSIXTH annual report of the western region marketing board 1st October, 1959 to 30th September, I960:laid on the tables of the western Nigeria legislature as sessional paper No. 3 of 1962.Book