AUTHORITY, S. O. A.2024-02-192024-02-191966 booklet in its present form is intended primarily to educate the people within and outside 'Nigeria about the mode of life of the great Apostles in this corner of the world. It is also hoped that it will prove digestible to them. A booklet of this sort is like a map: it sets out only the main features of the organization to be explored; it is intended to give an idea of the general view of Aiyetoro and the Community so that when all explorer later finds himself acquainted with the facts and figures he will retain in his mind and perhaps come the way to see through the long journey he had made for years.AIYETORO: introduction; the ogeloyinbo I; the okenla—retired oba; the ogeloyinbo II; history: doctrine & persecution; settlement and hazards; a cease-fire pact; preservation of individuality: cause; common coffer; early trade and achievement; religion and city background; Miscellany I: greatest wars facing mankind; what is sin?; sting of death; a member must know; the condemnation of death; the youths; what we mean and say; Government: administration; rate — but no help; the peace keepers; Health: town planning; hygiene; marriage system; education; kindergarten; adult class; primary; Secondary; Technical School; Library; our future plans; industry; health; education; communication; tourism; miscellany II; Christ alone; Sacred Call; Aiyetoro in order.en“Aiyetoro” the happy city of the holy apostles’ communityBook