LUCAS, J. Olumide2023-02-072023-02-071942 Brief Description of the religious beliefs and practices of the Yoruba peoples of Southern Nigeria, especially in relation to the religion of ancient EgyptChapter 1-Introduction, Chapter 2- Olorun, The Supreme Deity, Chapter 3- The Major Orisas, Chapter 4- The Major Orisas, Chapter 5- The Major Orisas, Chapter 6- The Major Orisas, Chapter 7- The Deified Spirits of Ancestors and other Spirits, Chapter 8- The Deified Spirits of Ancestors and other Spirits, Chapter 9- The Minor Orisas, Chapter 10- Priesthood and Worship, Chapter 11- Priesthood and Worship, Chapter 12- Priesthood and Worship, Chapter 13- The Yoruba Conception of man, Chapter 14- Magic in Yorubaland, Chapter 15- Survival of Hieroglyphics , Eblems and other symbols, Chapter 16- Survival of Hieroglyphics , Eblems and other symbols (continued), Chapter 17-Conclusion.enThe Religion Of the YorubasBook