NIGERIAN institute for oil palm research2023-03-282023-03-281967 is the Third annual report of the Nigerian institute for oil palm research 1966-1967, formerly West African Institute for Oil Palm ResearchIntroduction; Part 1: Administration, management and development; Governing council; finance; Staff; Touring and visits; Agricultural shows and field days; Visitors, Physical development; Maintenance of buildings and machinery; The main station plantations; The sub- station Abak; Advisory and information division; Part II: Research; Agronomy Division; Plant breeding division; plant nutrition division; plant pathology division; Research engineering division; Soil chemistry division; Statistics division; Part III: Plant production; Plant production division; Appendix I: Meteotrological data; Appendix II: The institutes accounts for 1966-67.enThird annual report of the Nigerian institute for oil palm research 1966-67 :Formerly West African Institute for Oil Palm Research.Article