EZEAKU, C.A. O. Ani,J. Adama,2024-10-112024-10-112024-03https://nigeriareposit.nln.gov.ng/handle/20.500.14186/1652Adoption of Precision Agriculture (PA) technologies has apparent benefits for agricultural production management, cost savings, and environmental sustainability. However, these technologies are also extremely complicated and influenced by various social and economic forces, which impact their adoption rate, particularly in developing nations. Demographic and agricultural characteristics also play an important role in determining willingness to adopt PA. This study is a survey aimed at establishing the willingness indices of farmers and other relevant personnel to embrace precision farming technologies in Gombe and Bauchi states of Nigeria.Willingness to adopt precision agriculture: an analysis of Gombe and Bauchi states of NigeriaenWillingness to adopt precision agriculture: an analysis of Gombe and Bauchi states of NigeriaArticle